Thursday, 28 April 2011

Arrival! o(^▽^)o

So happy, my pants came today, they are so comfy! o(^▽^)o I take a picture here:
I wear my X Japan shirt with them. More baggier shirts go well with these kind of pants. I learn from Sexpot Revenge. (・ω・)/ And that there is my fuzzy keychain Tail. My sisters hate it (`×´) they say it's like a dead animal. It isn't real fur. Oh well.
I now wait for my Sexpot shirt and belt to come. I better save extra money, there was customs on the pants... another $45 for them... So it'll be the same for the shirt and belt.

1 comment:

  1. LOLOL- if someone was skeeved out about the keychain tail, I'd probably tell them I'd hunted down the raccoon myself, just to freak them out. xD

    Anyway-- really cool pants-- the detail on the right leg cuff id pretty cool. o:
